
Detailed Design of Covered Walkway at Portarlington Harbour

Portarlington harbour covered walkway

AW Maritime recently completed the detailed design of a new covered walkway which is currently under construction at Portarlington harbour.

The structure which is being built between the foreshore and ferry terminal has been designed as an innovative modular steel and precast concrete walkway. AW Maritime completed the detailed design for the  major redevelopment of Portarlington harbour which was completed in 2017. The harbour is an extremely popular fishing, boating and diving spot, and is also home to commercial aquaculture boats and the Port Phillip to Docklands ferries. The new covered walkway will add to the enjoyment and comfort for visitors and ferry passengers alike.

The walkway, which is due to be completed in June 2022 is part of a $24 million investment from the Victorian Government’s Better Piers and Waterside Facilities program.  For more information, please visit

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