Amendment to Existing Dredging MaCA Consent
AW Maritime were engaged as a lead consultant for Hampton Pier Rebuild. The new pier includes pier structure with a gangway to a floating pontoon in a different location from the previous pier.
Parks Victoria engaged AW Maritime to undertake works in relation to the amendment of the existing Marine and Coastal Act (MaCA) Consent in order to maintain a safe navigable depth around the new Hampton Pier. As part of this work, AW Maritime prepared a new dredging design, reviewed the current MaCA Consent and any associated reports to refine the new dredging design and ensure safe vessels access. In addition, a new Heritage Impact Assessment was completed with the assistance of Harvey Maritime, to confirm the history of dredging at site ensuring the new dredging will not affect any archaeological deposits. AW Maritime also performed volume calculations using Civil3D software to determine the required dredging volume to achieve the appropriate depth.
AW Maritime secured the amended MaCA Consent in under 60 business days, meeting all regulatory and operational requirements.