Port Botany Lead Light Towers Replacement
AW Maritime were engaged to design two new AtoN Lead Light towers in Botany Bay to provide a lead line for the main approach channel into Botany Bay. AWM completed the design and undertook construction phase services for this project, which included responding to requests for further information, clarifying the design, and reviewing the steel workshop drawings. AWM certified the design in accordance with:
- AS1170 Structural Design Actions
- AS1657 Fixed Platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders
- AS2159 Piling – Design and Installation
- AS3600 Concrete Structures
- AS4100 Steel Structures
- AS4997 Guideline for the design of Maritime Structures
- BS6349 Maritime Structures
- ISO19902:2007 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries – Fixed Steel Offshore Structures