Concept and detailed design of boat ramp upgrade
AW Maritime were engaged in 2015 to complete a masterplan of the Rye Boat Ramp. The scope included the preparation of three concept options with indicative costings. The masterplan included the reconfiguration of the reversing area, an additional boat ramp lane, new finger jetties, dredging, dune revegetation and landscaping, beach profiling and beach groyne installation. Following a preferred option from Council and a public information session, a preliminary design was then finalised.
AW Maritime completed in 2016 a detailed design of the $1.23 million upgrade to the Rye Boat Ramp. The new boat ramp boasted an additional fourth lane and a new jetty, and the reconstruction of the existing three-lane ramp. The project involved dredging of the sea floor to provide improved access to the facility, rock beaching to protect the ramp from erosion, and an innovative modular steel jetty, all of which was carried out to AW Maritime’s detailed design.
Client: Mornington Peninsula Shire Council