AW Maritime completed a condition assessment of the Stony Creek Footbridge located under the West Gate Bridge at the confluence of the Stony Creek and Yarra River. The bridge spans approximately 170m and has a pipe supporting structure (pipe bridge) connected on its eastern side to support the oil pipe lines running from Holden Dock.
The primary objective was to provide the Port of Melbourne with condition data to determine any remedial works. The scope included:
- Inspect all timber piles, beams, steel girders, crosshead beams, and bracings and waler beams
- Inspect all existing timber piles
- Discuss asset performance with reference to load requirements and current condition
- Discuss modes of degradation based on current condition and previous inspections
- Provide condition rating data for input into PoM’s Asset Management System
- Provide categorization and discussion on implications of any defects and condition of components for remaining life of structure
- Recommend any repairs required.