Transit Only Zone Beacons, VIC

Transit Only Zone Beacons, VIC

Detailed design and construction phase services

AW Maritime were engaged for engineering services related to the design and construction phase services for Transit Only Zone (TOZ) Beacons. The existing navigational buoys were replaced with new piled beacons.

AW Maritime completed a review of existing geotechnical investigation reports, pile driving records from the structures in the vicinity of the site to form a geotechnical assessment used to adopt geotechnical design parameters, estimate pile length and pile axial and lateral capacity.

We then set up a dynamic model of the beacon structures in Strand7 finite element software and deployed an accelerometer on the beacon platform. The accelerometer was used to determine the natural frequency of the structure, and measure the response under a small boat impact. This also allowed us to determine the level of damping from the sea water on the structure. Once the results were collated and the design was complete, AWM prepared the detailed design documentation.

During construction phase services, AW Maritime monitored the fabrication of the beacon top structure in a factory to ensure compliance with the design drawings and specifications, monitored the installation of the beacon top structures to ensure compliance with the drawings and specifications and provided certification of the work

Client: Port of Melbourne

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